How to Recognize the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
No one wants to worry about the possibility that their elderly loved one may have been mistreated while residing in a nursing home. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect are all too common. According to the National Institute on Aging, around 10 percent of people over the age of 60 have experienced some form of abuse, whether it be physical, emotional, financial, sexual, or neglect.
Family members can play a key role in preventing nursing home abuse by catching it early on. Visiting your loved one regularly and being familiar with the staff at a nursing home will help you notice any changes in your loved one’s behavior or appearance that could be indicative of abuse. It is important to be aware of the signs of abuse and neglect so that you can take action if you suspect that your loved one is being harmed.
Signs of Physical Abuse
Physical abuse includes any type of physical force that results in pain or injury, such as hitting, slapping, pushing, or kicking. Signs of physical abuse may include bruises, cuts, broken bones, or other unexplained injuries. If you notice any of these signs on your loved one’s body, it is important to ask them what happened and report these issues to the nursing home staff immediately.
Signs of Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse can be much harder to spot than physical abuse, because there may be no outward physical signs. These forms of abuse may include verbal attacks, intimidation, isolation from family and friends, and humiliation. Signs of emotional distress may include anxiety, depression, withdrawal from social activities, sudden changes in mood or personality, and self-isolation.
Signs of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse may include any non-consensual sexual contact or behavior, ranging from sexual assault to inappropriate touching. Physical signs may include bruising or bleeding in the genital area, sexually transmitted diseases, and torn or bloody undergarments. Behavioral changes may also indicate sexual abuse, and these changes may include withdrawal from social activities, unusual fearfulness, or an aversion to certain staff members.
Signs of Financial Abuse
Financial abuse occurs when someone unlawfully takes money or property from an elderly person. This can happen through coercion, theft, fraud, forgery, or misuse of power of attorney. Signs that your loved one may be a victim of financial abuse include sudden changes in their financial situation (such as large withdrawals from their bank account), unexpected changes to their will or other legal documents, or a new “best friend” who is frequently asking them for money. If you believe that your loved one is being financially abused, you may need to alert their bank or financial institution.
Signs of Neglect
Neglect occurs when a nursing home's staff fails to provide proper attention and care for a resident. This can include not providing enough food or water, failing to assist with personal hygiene, neglecting to administer medications properly, failing to provide proper supervision, or failing to ensure that the nursing home is clean and safe. Signs of neglect may include sudden weight loss, poor hygiene, bed sores, or untreated medical conditions.
Contact Our Hyde Park Nursing Home Injury Lawyer
Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious issues that deserve attention. If you suspect that your loved one is being harmed in any way, you will want to take immediate action to protect their health and safety. With the help of a Chicago nursing home abuse and neglect attorney, you can take action to ensure that a negligent nursing home is held responsible for the harm your loved one has suffered. Contact Kadzai Law Group, LLC today at 312-229-0050 to set up a free consultation and ensure that the abuse or neglect your loved one has suffered will be addressed correctly.