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3 Types of Nursing Home Abuse That Can Lead to Physical Harm

 Posted on December 13,2021 in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Chicago nursing home injury lawyerCertain types of abuse that occur in nursing homes, like severe neglect or even assault, lead to immediate and obvious physical harm. Other types of nursing home abuse are more insidious in that they may not directly and immediately cause physical injuries - but can lead to long-term negative health effects, or be associated with other forms of abuse that do cause physical harm. If you have a loved one who resides in a nursing home and suspect any type of abuse or neglect, it is important that you see that the matter is investigated. An attorney can help guide you through the next steps. 

How Non-Physical Forms of Abuse Can Cause Physical Harm

In elder populations, mental health is closely associated with physical health. Nursing homes that will engage in any form of abuse or neglect are not putting their residents first, and it may be prudent to question the safety of those in their care. The following forms of abuse can ultimately lead to physical harm down the road: 

  • Verbal abuse - A resident who is being verbally abused may be reluctant to ask for help from staff when she needs it. This can lead to treatable health issues going untreated because a resident was fearful of raising her concerns. Nursing home residents often need assistance getting in and out of their beds or chairs or with other daily tasks like hygiene and toileting. An abused resident may hesitate to call for assistance and attempt to get up or perform a task alone, leading to a fall or accident. 
  • Financial abuse - Stealing from a nursing home resident can cause more harm than just the immediate financial impact. Seniors are often on a fixed income and have limited money to spare. If a nursing home is taking financial advantage of its residents, there is a very real risk that they will not be able to afford other necessities. If your loved one has money missing, you may want to take a deeper look into whether they are missing any needed supplies like medications or have skipped doctor’s appointments. Even if the financial abuse has simply led to a resident needing to cut back on outings or recreational activities, these things are vital to the continued health of elders. 
  • Sexual abuse - Residents who experience this horrific form of abuse may suffer extreme detrimental health effects,. Sadly, residents who are less able to communicate what is happening to them - or less likely to be believed if they try - are more vulnerable to this type of abuse. Physical harm can come about if a resident withdraws from social or physical activity or resists having certain hygiene needs met as a result. 

All types of nursing home abuse are to be taken very seriously. Quick action may be needed to protect vulnerable residents from further harm. 

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer on Chicago’s South Side

If your loved one was harmed by nursing home abuse, Kadzai Law Group, LLC, may be able to recover compensation on their behalf. Call 312-229-0050 to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled South Side nursing home abuse attorneys




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